Breaking news from the universe!

Breaking news from the universe!


Yesterday 32 CEOs gathered in the first-ever training meeting for the Validator Nodes of the Blockchain. The meeting was very eventful and we are happy to share with you all some very exciting news:


1. Commercio is the first Cosmos project to win BlockIS in Istanbul

About Block.IS: the project aims to build an open and collaborative cross-border, cross-sectoral innovation ecosystem that fosters the use of cutting-edge technology in three vital sectors for the European economy: agrifood, logistics, and finance. Block.IS offers the necessary business and technical support for the creation of innovative blockchain-based solutions and their delivery to the market. Thus, the project directly fosters and strengthens the competitiveness of digital SMEs (that will develop the blockchain solutions) and the SMEs of the three vertical sectors (agrifood, logistics, and finance) which will use these solutions to offer added value to their customers.


2. Commercio announces the launch of MainNet 6000 with Security Audit patches in Version 2.0 Final.


3. Official preview of the book “Developing Apps on the Blockchain” by EnricoTalin, EgidioCasati, and DavideColetto.

About the book:Developing Apps on the Blockchain” is a book about Blockchain Fundamentals, but not only. The book is also an in-depth guide to our Blockchain Core Node Software, which includes a group of “Smart Contracts” that focus on the world of the document – such as CommercioAccount, CommercioID, CommercioDocs, and others-. This book is a very precious and practical guide that explains to any developer how to master the technology that will change the world. It will soon be available for the general public.


4. Enrico, Egidio, Davide and Antonio Lanza summarized the mission and strategy of, which now aims at 100 validator nodes and 100K IT companies in Europe using the framework.