The new prerelease of the sdk in Kotlin/Java for the software version of chain of commerce.network v2.2.0 (pre release) has been published.
IMPORTANT NOTICE- It is absolutely essential that all companies that have live projects on the Commercio.network chain test their solution on the test-net using SDK 2.2 before the main net upgrade scheduled for March 22, 2021 at 15:00 CET
The new prerelease of sdk in Kotlin/java for the software version of chain of commerce.network v2.2.0 (pre release) on which is based the current testnet https://testnet-new.commercio.network.
The new sdk prerelease is version v2.2.0 (pre release) and includes the following new features
- Modification of the helpers for the Docs and ID module to make them compatible with the new version of the chain.
- Mint module Rewrite with the introduction of the helpers for mint and burn CCC tokens.
- Ability to create multiple mint messages in the same transaction.
- Rewriting of Membership module, now renamed KYC.
- Added data integrity checks to avoid invalid transactions on the chain.
- Code improvement with new types to avoid duplication in collections
- Documentation update
- Examples update
- Added tests
Details about the new release will be published on the changelog https://github.com/commercionetwork/commercio-sdk.kt
Official Library documentation https://kt.sdk.docs.commercio.network