Attendees will be asked to create temporary test nodes to perform the upgrade exercise that will happen March 12th 2021 at 4pm CET
During the meeting we will do the following tasks :
- Setup of validators and verification of configurations
- Stop the chain according to specifications (specially published)
- Chain status export operations
- Checksum verification of the exported status
- Migration of the state to make it compatible with the updated version of the chain core
- Verification of the checksum of the migrated state
- Start-up of the chain with the updated version of the core
The procedure must be carried out by performing verification operations among the participants in the meeting itself.
The meeting should last from one to two hours: the time depends on the processing speed of the validator nodes and the speed with which the consensus will be reached again.
If necessary, the date and time may be changed.
During the week of 8th March , guidelines on how to perform validator upgrades and references will be posted to a test chain.