100 possible uses for blockchain
Ledra Capital, a New York-based venture capital firm, has listed a range of
potential uses for Blockchain technology.
Some of these categories include financial instruments, public, private and
semi-public, physical keys, intangibles and other potential applications.
Commercio Network has developed three protocols CommercioID for creating Self Sovereign Identity; CommercioSIGN for electronic signatures, CommercioDOC for exchanging electronic data and documents, and is also developing three new fintech protocols for paying,tokenizing, issuing and exchanging Crypto-Assets on different blockchains belonging to the Cosmos ecosystem.
CommercioPAY-MINT to tokenize assets,credits and debits by issuing an NFT, a non-fungible token and issue a SEPA payment, CommercioKYC a module to issue eKYC (Know Your Customer) credentials and CommercioDEX to directly exchange Tokens.
Financial instruments, registries and templates
Currency Private equity Shares of listed companies Bonds Derivatives (futures, forwards, swaps, options) Voting rights Commodities Public registers of expenditure Public registers of trading Public registers of mortgages/loans Public registers of maintenance Leasing contracts Insurance services Crowdfunding Microfinance Microcarity
Public Registers
Land titles Notarial deeds Vehicle registers Business licenses Incorporation/dissolution of companies Company shareholder registers Official Gazette Criminal records Passports Car licenses Boat licenses Flight licenses Identity cards Birth certificates Death certificates Voter cards Elections Health/safety inspections Building permits Firearms licenses Judicial decisions Court documents Voting records Nonprofit records State accounting/transparency
Private records (anonymized)
Contracts Signatures Wills Trusts Escrows GPS Routes (personal)
Semi-Public Records (anonymized)
College Graduation Certificates Vocational Certificates School Grades Human Resources (pay stubs, CUDs) Medical Records Accounting Records Business Document Exchange Genome Data GPS Routes (Institutional) Delivery Documents Arbitrations
Physical asset keys
Home/apartment keys Vacation home/part-time sharing keys Hotel room keys Car keys Rental car keys Lease car keys Locker keys Parcel delivery Betting records Fantasy Sport records
Intangible assets
Coupons Vouchers Membership cards Reservations (restaurants, hotels, office queues, etc.) Movie tickets Patents Copyrights Trademarks Taxi licenses Software licenses Video game licenses
Evidentiary documents (photos, audio, video), Data records (sports scores, temperatures, cold chain, etc.) SIM cards, GPS network identities, Weapons release codes, Nuclear launch codes, Antispam (micropayments for sending mail), Car sharing, Energy and consumption management, Wedding lists, Food chain tracking, Wills and inheritances, Control of seals and labels